Winner of the FSB Bedforshire Business Awards in 2014, the Talk with Teddies kit helps children understand concepts in a visual and kinetic way. The bears are manufactured from a material that allows hook dots (©Velcro) to cling to the fabric allowing each bear to have multiple uses by attaching picture symbol tiles. Using a variety of ©Widgit symbols supplied or by using your own, the bears can be used to help children understand social rules, boundaries, make choices, know what is happening next or simply to play games. The bears can take away anxiety and fear and allow children to hold onto them and use them as fiddle toys.
How you use the bears is up to you as there are endless ways to support children through the Talk with Teddies Set, such as:
- When the child is given the ‘helper’ bear, they feel good about themselves and important.
- The ‘well done’ bear helps to reward children on a tangible level rather than just using a social smile and thumbs up.
- Use the ‘take turns’ bear to pass around the group of children or the ‘question’ or ‘speak’ bear to encourage the child to communicate.
- Use the bears to display play choices and ask the child what they would like to do first.
- Take the bear with you to the activity chosen.
- Use the emotions tiles to help children explain feelings, or help children to empathise with others.
- Use the bears in story telling.
- Teach the children to bring you a bear when things all become too much or use a bear to allow the child to have thinking space.
It is easier to think when you have something to hold as it offers a level of security and reality to a situation.
The set comes with an ideas and suggestions booklet including ideas on how to use the bears to support speech, language and literacy as well as social integration, behaviour and social communication.
Set contains:
- 4 bears (130mm tall) please note colours may vary
- 12 printed symbol cards 45mm x 45mm
- 6 mini dry wipe boards 45mm x 45mm
- Dry wipe pen
- Communication display board
- Comprehensive Ideas and Information booklet
- Robust draw storage string bag