Improve literacy and communication skills & build confidence in narrative ability.
StoryBuilding will help young people understand the building blocks of a story and gain the confidence to create their own stories using the more than 100 themed story starters provided. These are grouped developmentally and are accessible to young people of all ages and abilities.
Each chapter contains themes and ideas for group discussions and homework suggestions. These will help youngsters to move from basic stories to more complex narratives. Story Starter worksheets provide templates for written story work.
- Introduction
- Developing Storytelling Skills
- Section 1 – The Story Starters
- 1. Starting with place: ‘Where?’
- 2. Starting with events: ‘What Happened?’
- 3. Starting with characters: ‘Who?’
- 4. Starting with ‘What Else?’ (developing characters, developing the atmosphere, developing the props and developing places & spaces)
- 5. Starting with time: ‘When?’
- 6. Developing the plot & story endings
- Section 2 – Resources (story starter worksheets, references and further reading)
120pp A5 paperback
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