Now recognised as an essential area to work upon with young people this book is all about recognising, building and nurturing character. This book is intended for use by those working in a variety of settings including schools, alternative education settings, Learning Support Units, Pupil/Student Referral Units, Isolation Units, Exclusion Rooms, youth clubs, community groups and similar settings. The book can be used with students from the ages of 10 in the upper primary phase through to the upper secondary phase of 18 years of age depending upon ability and need. The activities can be led by teachers, behaviour mentors, pastoral assistants, learning mentors, exclusion rooms staff and special educational needs staff. They can be used in mentoring sessions, small group sessions, circle time, one-to-one sessions and CPSHE lessons. The activities can be led by teachers, behaviour mentors, pastoral assistants, learning mentors, exclusion rooms staff and special educational needs staff. They can be used in mentoring sessions, small group sessions, circle time, one-to-one sessions and CPSHE lessons.
Focus on character building with these activities which cover:
- Target setting
- Learning character/ behaviour
- Self-discipline
- Assessing situations
- Nurturing
- Changing perspective
- Positive outlook
- Raising self- esteem
- Building self-endurance
- Personal gains
- Personality test
- Overcoming weaknesses and building strengths
- Removing barriers
- Empathy
80 pages, A4, photocopiable
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