Many teachers, care workers and therapists are challenged by difficult behaviours, and families often feel lost for solutions to sudden outbursts or young people’s feelings of alienation and lack of self-esteem. Containing a host of ideas for home, school and youth groups, these books will help to tackle difficult issues in a positive and active way.
There are no magic answers, but the ideas aim to empower young people to find solutions to some of their own difficulties, while providing guidance for more positive directions. The books adopt a hands-on approach with a firm and enabling attitude and provide a sound practical basis for active intervention for behaviour change.
- 101 Ideas for Managing Challenging Behaviour
- Practical and creative ideas and activities for managing challenging behaviour in young people
- 101 Activities for Social & Emotional Resilience
- Activities and ideas to help young people to deal with life’s challenges
- 101 Ideas for Increasing Focus & Motivation
- Practical, creative and adaptable ideas that will help to explore the issues behind lack of focus and motivation in children and young people
- 101 Ideas for Positive Thoughts & Feelings
- Easy to implement activities and ideas to help young people to regard themselves, their abilities and the world around them in a positive light.
- 101 Activities for Empathy & Awareness
- Practical, creative and adaptable ideas that will help to foster self-awareness and empathy in children and young people
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