At this current time many school based professionals and others supporting children and young people remain concerned about the rates of school absence/non attendance.
We are all aware of the fact that the Covid 19 pandemic disrupted education which led to widespread school closures, remote learning and quarantines. As schools reopened, managing the transition back and building attendance figures to pre-pandemic levels became an enormous task for all involved – and one that sadly remains. There were and are concerns about the loss of learning, lack of support for those who were more vulnerable with mental health difficulties and special educational needs alongside the loss for many children of regular opportunities to build social interactions, friendships and emotional well-being.
For a significant number of our children and young people their pre-existing mental health concerns were exacerbated during this time. There were also many children who became overwhelmed by the thought of a return to the busy school context, many of whom displayed genuine symptoms of anxiety. Sadly, all of us who work with children and young people know that this has led to an increase in the numbers of those with emotionally based school avoidance. The need to effectively support, reintegrate and develop more nuanced and flexible approaches is now evident and an imperative for all of us who want our children to feel safe and nurtured in the learning context.
This FREE webinar is therefore designed for school-based staff, support staff, other associated professionals, and parents/carers to access and will provide an overview of the problems associated with school avoidance/phobia and also highlight effective strategies and support systems which are evidence based.
Tina will aim to support you in:
- Defining emotionally based school avoidance – what does it look and feel like
- Practical approaches and techniques for supporting children with anxiety and school phobia
- How to recognise the warning signs
- How to enable readiness for learning by reducing heightened emotional states
- Top tips for supporting transition back to the classroom
- Developing individualised plans for CYP
- Developing your Sunday evening and Monday morning plans for managing the increased anxiety levels at these times
- Developing your own ability to ‘find your calm’ and share it with those children in your care.
- Recognising that one size does not fit all and that there remains a need for creative, flexible and more nuanced approaches
Tina will make reference to resources and formats found in her publications for Hinton House publishers and also allow time for questions at the end of the webinar.
Register today by adding this to your basket and completing the checkout process with your details. You’ll receive the online invitation upon completion.
Alternatively phone or email us and we’ll send the invitation to you that way.